Sunday, July 26, 2009


Me and Mike went to see Coldplay at the Verizon Amphitheater the other night and it was AWESOME!! They really interacted with the crowd. During Yellow they dropped big (and I mean big) yellow balloons on the crowd, I tried to grab one but I couldnt quite jump high enough!

Then the band came out into the crowd and sang! They had set up two different stages in the crowd and one of them just happened to be on the lawn, and it was super close to where we were standing!! It was exciting to be that close! They then got the crowd to do a cell phone wave, Mike lifted me up so I could see it and it was amazing, such a cool thing to see! And if that wasnt enough cool stuff they shot out all these paper butterflies while they were singing.

It was cool because the butterflies literally filled the sky. And to top it of they gave everyone in the crowd their CD... for FREE!!! That was the best concert I have seen thus far (I even danced to the music), and it will be a hard one to top!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Well here is a quick little update on our lives (nothing too exciting)
*Taught my first Relief Society lesson
*Got to go home to Washington for a few days (not long enough)
*Edward Jones flew Mike out to Spokane to knock doors and try to find clients (so awkward, but he did really good)
*Im super sad about the whole Jon and Kate Gosselins thing!
*Went to an outdoor play "Meet me in St Louis", it was awesome! Im excited they are doing Hairspray there in about a month
Other then that nothing exciting has happened but I did find a really cool article that I wanted to post, about sleeping and food that will help you sleep and food that will not help you sleep.

10 top sleep boosters

Nibble on one of these 10 high-carb calmers an hour before bedtime. You'll be yawning in no time.

1. Half of a whole-wheat English muffin or raisin bagel drizzled with honey

2. Two cups of air-popped popcorn

3. A small slice of angel food cake topped with berries

4. A frozen whole-wheat waffle, toasted, with maple syrup

5. Half a cup of pretzels

6. Fresh strawberries dunked in a little fat-free chocolate syrup

7. Half a cup of pasta topped with marinara sauce

8. A 4-ounce baked potato topped with salsa

9. A handful of oyster crackers and a piece of fruit

10. Canned mandarin oranges sprinkled with crystallized ginger

Foods that Steal your Sleep

1. Spicy Foods

2. A big dinner

3. Raucous veggies

4. Speed eating

5. Nightcaps

6. Coffee after Breakfast

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Forgot this...

I forgot to put this collage in my last post, and I couldnt figure out how to put it in there so here is the last set of our pictures for Chicago!
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Once again I have fallen behind on my bloggin... so here is what we have been up to...
We went to Chicago a couple weeks ago and it was a BLAST! Mike's uncle and aunt and their kids went down there on a vacation and invited us up to join them and who could turn down a trip to Chicago?! We stayed right in the heart of downtown (the good part) so pretty much everything was within walking distance which was nice since traffic is a little crazy down there! Our first day there we went to a Cubs-Twins game (and of course the Cubs lost). It was really neat to see Wrigley Field and see the ivy in the outfield. Mike was like a little kid wanting to take pictures of everything. I couldnt believe how many people were there!

Mike's uncle and aunt took us out to this pizza place that is famous for of course the Chicago style pizza, we had to wait a little over and hour to get in but it was well worth it! The pizza was really good, I could barely finish one piece because it was soo big. The next few days we spend hoppin' around town trying to see as much as we could. We went to the museum of science and industry which was really cool! The best part about it was they had the Harry Potter traveling exhibit which seriously was the coolest thing I have ever seen! I never wanted it to end! After that we went down to Marine Point which is kinda like a board walk with vendors and lots of places to eat. The view of the skyline was amazing from there! The next day we went to the art museum which was really neat to see... lots of interesting pieces... after that we spend most of the day in the park. They where having a Blues Festival and I won a tote there and Mike won a really cool water bottle.
It was a really fun trip and I wish that we could have spend a longer time there. There is just so much to see and do! I cant wait until we get to go back!!!
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